Sunday, March 7, 2010

We Take a Break From Your Regularly Scheduled Programming

This year I was accepted into an organization called CAMPP- Columbus Academy of Motion Picture Pickers- which is spearheaded by writers from The Columbus Dispatch. I was one of six people inducted and we all got to make our picks of who we thought should win, which were then tallied up and compiled in order to compare our winners with tonight's. Surprisingly, the group's winners are: Inglourious Basterds, Kathryn Bigelow, Meryl Streep, Jeff Bridges, Mo'Nique and Christoph Waltz. As for the picture, my excuse is that the only shirts they had to give out were XL and I was wearing a blazer and t-shirt underneath- I am not actually three hundred pounds heavier than you think (making me a nice 390 pounds ;) ). Bonus points and snaps if you can spot me in the group picture.

Links to full article and pictures also click on "New Blood" link for more!

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