Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Is Calista Flockhart a Human?

According to this interview, Calista Flockhart, lover of Harrison Ford, has never seen the Star Wars movies. Not a one. She uses the excuse that because she was 12 when the movie was released and lived in a small town, she was not able to see the movie(s) during their theatrical prime. That excuse is fine for the time that they were in theaters, but how about their release onto VHS? And TV? And their subsequent re-release into theaters in the 1990s?

Considering that she's an actress and should take an interest in her craft, it's a bit disheartening that she hasn't seen three movies that altered the course of cinema (I'll give her a pass on the last three- who actually wants to watch those).

If I were in her position, I would make Harrison dress up as Han (wig and all) and watch the movies with me, possibly while reciting his lines. Oh wait, that happens every night, in my dreams.

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