Monday, March 30, 2009

MTV to Not Suck From 3 - 9 AM

The channel once known as Music Television will be returning to the old glory days of music videos between the hours of 3 and 9 am, calling it "AMTV" and an "advertising experiment." Maybe MTV's finally realized that older viewers (like me) miss the wonder of music videos and have decided to backhandedly reward us- we get our music videos, but we either have to stay up really late or wake up at 8. The hours of 8-9 would make a great time to groove to as you are getting ready for work though. Kudos, MTV, for finally doing something kind of right. Maybe this "advertising experiment" will work in the viewers' favor and MTV will take out a few hours of primetime "reality" programming to give us some more videos.

Article via the New York Times.

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