Sunday, February 22, 2009

Razzie Winners Announced!

Last night, on Oscar eve, the Razzie winners were announced, or those who pursued excellence stubbornly any way they thought best, without consulting others or thinking of the American audience in general. Click on these links to refresh your memories on the short and long lists of Razzie nominees.

Worst Picture: The Love Guru
Worst Actor: Mike Myers, The Love Guru
Worst Actress: Paris Hilton, The Hottie and the Nottie
Worst Supporting Actress: Paris Hilton, Repo! The Genetic Opera
Worst Supporting Actor: Pierce Brosnan, Mamma Mia!
Worst Screen Couple: Paris Hilton and either Christine Lakin or Joel David Moore, TH&TN
Worst Prequel, Remake, Rip-Off or Sequel: Indiana Jones & The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Worst Director: Uwe Boll, Postal, In the Name of the King, 1968: Tunnel Rats
Worst Screenplay: The Love Guru, written by Mike Myers and Graham Gordy
Worst Career Achievement: Uwe Boll (Germany's Answer to Ed Wood)

The winners are well-deserved, and I had a good giggle when I read that Indiana Jones and Pierce Brosnan won their respective Razzies: two older actors trying to do something that is not in their element- Pierce trying to sing, and Indiana trying to resurrect a series that should have stayed in the grave. I sincerely hope these awards will help Paris Hilton rethink her "career" choices and will decide that instead of acting she will go into hiding. Preferably not in America. Congratulations all!

Image found via Google Images.

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