Monday, February 23, 2009

Worst Dressed, Part Two

Beyonce, terrorizing my dreams once more by wearing this lovely comforter from TJ Maxx.

Vanessa Hudgens, shouldn't be there, shouldn't be wearing that dress or that smug smile.

Miley Cyrus, who knows she should definitely be there and is proving it by wearing a dress that not even a blind man could miss.

Heidi Klum, flattening her enviable figure and trying to look from the neck up like an albino raccoon serial killer.

Reese Witherspoon trying to be "edgy".

Oh, Whoopi. I can't complain. You're wearing cheetah to the Oscars.

Goldie Hawn, giving the female viewers a Public Service Announcement to always use sunscreen and wear a bra (once you're over fifty).

Images found via the Daily Mail.

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